Below is the list and price of all of our services. If sending in multiple trains, and requesting different services for each engine, then to prevent delays, please attach a typed note to each separate engine, specifying what work each engine should recieve. Priority Service is on a per engine basis.

Click here for shipping instructions.


NOTE: Paragon 4 will retain smoke if the engine is a Pargon 2 or Paragon 3 unit, or a diesel with Paragon 3. If it is an older series or Paragon 2 diesel with smoke, then smoke will not be retained and would be disconnected. If the engine is a Paragon 2 and has a cab light, the cab light will work in reverse, so it can be disconnected upon request; We will set CV's to tie it to a function for manual control by default.

NOTE If the engine was produced in Paragon 3, then we can put in a Paragon 4 decoder with the correct sound set. We also do not work on the new BLI Stealth engines (2020 and newer). We can work on the old QSI/orginal Paragon stealth engines.



Upgrades apply for all HO (except Paragon 2 SW1500) BLI engines and Paragon 3 n-scale engines.
N-scale Paragon 2 engines cannot be upgraded nor repaired by us anymore.

Upgrades to Paragon 4, ship in service. $130.00-$190.00
Engine Type
Upgrades to Paragon 4, self install, shipped to you.

Paragon 2 upgrades with smoke units, occasionally need one end of the chuff sensor cut and soldered elswhere (We see that need in around 10% of the upgrades we do). So if you install the decoder and chuffing is not working or misbehaving, especially with the smoke unit, please contact us for further assistance then.

BlueLine upgrades may require some wires to be lengthened. Please note that we do not include any wires for this self-upgrade option.

Paragon upgrades (QSI, Loksound, ESU, Precision Craft) includes necessary connectors and wires, basic pinout wire diagram. Any grain-of-wheat bulb needs to be replaced with an LED, which is not inclued. If you need us to supply an LED, please contact us right after placing an order to let me know. We can include a small surface mount white LED with the kit.
Engine Type
Engine Type. I.E Big Boy Oil
GoPack! Power Continuity Capacitor Pack with plug (only as add-on with upgrade or decoder replacement, HO decoder only. Paragon 4 compatible via plug, and adds to the smaller GoPack built into Paragon 4, great for large loads, etc.)             $25.00

Repairs / Others

Paragon 4 Decoder Repair/Replacement, ship in. $130.00
Paragon 4 Decoder Repair/Replacement, self-install, shipped to you. $130
Engine Type. I.E Big Boy Oil
Repair Locomotive Electrical Problems $125.00
Paragon 2-4 or BlueLine Software Update            $80.00
Priority Service (per locomotive basis) $25.00
* Priority service guarentees that your locomotive will be shipped back to you from our facility within 2 business days, instead of the standard 5-7 business days.    

About Us

We are the only authorized repair center for out of warranty BLI trains, and we are authorized to perform extra services, such as upgrading BlueLine to Paragon 4.

Authorized by Broadway Limited Imports
